It’s not just software. It’s not just a new server. Protection of critical legal information and clients’ confidential communication is an ever-changing task which requires a multi-faceted approach. It takes strategic thinking to bridge gaps between security policies, information technologies, and human behaviors. I am a 30-year Texas attorney-at-law and over 20 years’ proven experience with a passion for helping solo attorneys, small law firms, and SMB companies with IT Design, IT Management and Cyber Security issues.

Helping the leaders of successful small law firms and businesses protect critical cyber assets.
All attorneys must observe strict professional responsibility standards for their digital communications and storage. I am a veteran Texas attorney and experienced IT consultant practitioner with a passion for helping small businesses and small law firms to find economical yet highly effective solutions for IT and cyber security issues that such businesses with limited or no IT staff often find difficult to manage. My small law firm clients rely on my unique experiences as attorney and as an Information Technology specialist to help them resolve computer and network related issues.
Local Area Network or Work Group Best Practices
Solo and small law firms often need advice regarding how to quickly accomplish upgrades to hardware and software assets. To the uninitiated, the process involves many seemingly complex and intertwined phases. Overworked attorney and legal assistant staff rely on my guidance to manage all phases economically and efficiently.
IT Maintenance
My goal is to provide consistently exceptional IT maintenance services for a small law office. Even when network or work group computer systems have begun to operate at “best practice” levels, eventually hardware or software fails. Then, legal staff often either does not know how, or is too busy, to fix computer issues. My clients count on my availability 24/7 to resolve the problems.
Microsoft Office 365 E3©,
Mac©, iPhone©, Android©, iOS©
The world of emails, encryption, e-mail, collaboration across the city or around the world, Zoom sessions with courts and clients, e-filing, constant backups, cloud storage, and many other collateral issues are making the practice of law a highly-technical matter. I am very experienced with fixing, upgrading, updating laptops, PCs, and office productivity applications. Windows 10 and Mac OS and iPadOS and iOS and Android are all areas with which I work every day.